Category: At the Edge: The Latest in Interior Design

Find Me Something Fabulous: An Outdoor Chair

janus forest black chair

Published: August 19th, 2013

When a client says,  “Find me something fabulous,”  I am all too happy to oblige.  So, from time to time, I’ll use my blog to share some of the unique and ingenious items I come across. These days, it seems every furniture store is featuring funishings for indoor/outdoor living.  Bringing good design to a patio […]

Chicago Interior Design: Principled, Innovative and Bold

farnsworth house brown chairs

Published: February 28th, 2013

Is there such a thing as Chicago interior design?  If so, how would we define it?  What makes it recognizable and unique? As a lifelong Chicagoan and an interior designer, I love this question! After all, you can feel the boldness and vitality of this city’s character in so many of its  art forms.  It’s […]

Modern Living Room Design: Breaking with One Past and Recalling Another

Published: January 15th, 2013

Modern living room design is evolving as rapidly as the ways in which we live.  What was once a staid and predictable room  has in fact become  extinct. The living room of my childhood was a sacred and formal place, a display of order and refinement. My spouse recalls that even his dog was not […]