Category: A Designer’s Eye: Smart Tips for Consumers

The Interior Designer In a Do-It-Yourself Age

Published: November 4th, 2013

“Why buy their style when you can create your own?” reads the ad for a major retail furniture chain.  “If you love it, it works!”   This is, after all, the age of HGTV and, and thousands of homeowners are feeling empowered to engage in do-it-yourself home decorating without the benefit of an interior designer.  […]

Room Ideas: One Very Guilty Pleasure

Room Ideas: Romo - Scala Collection

Published: April 15th, 2013

When considering room ideas for interior design, we usually think of smart furnishings, fabulous color schemes, and amazing art.  I go there as well, but it doesn’t take much to get me thinking about … wait for it… WALLPAPER!  Yes, that little afterthought for some is a delightfully guilty pleasure for me.  After all, wallpaper […]

Luxury Interior Design: Chicago Style

One museum park building chicago

Published: December 4th, 2012

Luxury interior design begins with the perfect mix of dimension, light and flow.  In my previous post, a photo of a garden walk in Ravello illuminated the point beautifully. Chicago is not Ravello, but it has its own design gems.  Consider one of Chicago’s premier new high-rises, One Museum Place.  It may not be the […]